Welcome to Intermittent Fit
Ancient Fitness for a Modern World
Intermittent Fit is the first randomized and ongoing exercise programming service that shows up in your email on a daily basis and costs less than ten dollars per month.
“Intermittent Fit fixed my long and complicated relationship with exercise and allows me to focus on other parts of my modern life.”
The Randomizer
Intermittent Fit provides its members with a daily exercise prompt as part of our proprietary programming. Our program includes challenges for every muscle in the body and it also teaches you to listen to your body, find exercise modalities you like, and helps you develop your own relationship with exercise. This is not just a fitness routine showing up in your email each day, we are so much more. Check us out and join the Intermittent Fit community today!
As a member, you receive an image like the ones you see above, everyday in your email. Let it serve whatever purpose it needs to from there in order to accomplish your personal workout on most days of the week.
Intermittent Fit is a daily physical challenge prescribed to you (via email) for a specific set of body parts, with a specific repetition range, everyday forever. This allows you to maintain a complete physical fitness routine without putting much effort or thought into the overall programming.
We prescribe a type of motion to use and and range of repetitions to use for the day in each email. We also include some example movements that fit the criteria for that day – you can use these examples as your workout, or use them as a starting point to create a more individualized workout for yourself. Customizations are encouraged.
In the same way that these kind of challenges likely came to our hunter-gather ancestors in random ways as a result of their ancient life, we randomize our fitness programming before sending it out to you. Yes, we take our finely crafted fitness program that touches all muscles in the body in functional ways, and we randomize it, then send you one email a day letting you know the challenge for that day. Oh, and there’s yoga in it too.
It’s not a competition to see how well you can do the daily workout in your email inbox, the daily workout is just an example. Really, it’s a surprise area of your body to challenge and a corresponding surprise rep range or modality presented to you in a truly randomized fashion.
You really don’t know what’s coming next. Ever.
The story goes, “Industrialization and modern technology have changed our lives and our environment so quickly that our bodies have not had enough time to evolve their way along with us. Therefore, to give our body what it needs, we should to eat and exercise like our hunter-gatherer ancestors did.
Oh, and while we’re spilling secrets, there’s lots of Yoga days. Lots.
Some have tried to do this, sure. We’ve all seen fitness routines and exercises that are touted to be ‘functional’ or ‘natural’ but in the end they aren’t much different than other routines; they use modern equipment or modern planning biases and no one notices until injury occurs. We changed that. We empower you to take charge of your exercise routine and fitness level gradually, one daily challenge at a time and without pressure whatsoever.
Start training like your body evolved to
Start training like your ancestors lived
(all memberships come with free quarterly merch!)
Month-to-month membership price:
$8.49 per month
Sign Up Today